Katie Gorman-Ezell
Assistant Professor, Social Work
- Social Work
Contact Information
- 614-236-6950
- kgormanezell@lcsgxgy.com
- Convergent Media Center 246
Dr. Gorman-Ezell has experience providing clinical social work services across the continuum of care. She is licensed by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board and holds a supervisory designation. Dr. Gorman-Ezell is passionate about client-centered care and empowering others to reach their potential. She maintains a small private practice in Powell, Ohio.
Dr. Gorman-Ezell has taught courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research interests lie at the intersection between chronic illness and mental illness. She has spoken on these topics and is a member of the Standing Up to P.O.T.S. Board of Directors.
Degrees Earned
Ph.D.-The Ohio State University
M.S.W.-University of Michigan
M.S.W.-University of Michigan
B.A.-Wittenberg University
SWK 200
Pederson, C., Gorman-Ezell, K., Brookings, J. (2020). Psychological distress among postural tachycardia syndrome patients in the Fennell Crisis phase. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health, & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/21641846.2020.1783065.
Pederson, C., Gorman-Ezell, K., Hochsteler-Mayer, G., Brookings, J. (2019). Development and preliminary evaluation of a tool for screening suicide risk in chronic illness. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2019.1691463.
Pederson, C., Gorman-Ezell, K., & Hochsteler-Mayer, G. (2018). Assessing depression in the chronically ill: A cautionary tale. Counseling Today, 39-43.
Pederson, C., Gorman-Ezell, K., & Hochsteler-Mayer, G. ( 2017). Invisible illness increases risk of suicidal ideation: The role of social workers in preventing suicide. Health and Social Work 42(3), 183-185.
Lewis, M.W., Wu, L., Hiance-Steelsmith, D., Saunders-Adams, S., Gorman-Ezell, K., Johnson, H., & Rosen, T.S. (2015). Cocaine-exposed toddler care-giver dyads during free play at 24 months. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 1-15.
Gorman, K.E., Ziegler, L., & Pederson, C. (2003). The effects of trauma on the volume of the pituitary gland. Ohio Journal of Science, 103 (1), 2-3.
Peer-Reviewed Conference and Professional Presentations
Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, Ph.D. Cathy Pederson, Ph.D., Jeffrey Brookings, Ph.D. “Decreasing the risk of suicide among those with chronic invisible illnesses,” Ohio Prevention Conference, Columbus, June 25, 2019.
Susan DeLuca, Ph.D., Daley DiCorcia, and Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, Ph.D. “Getting through difficult times: College students coping resources and their appraisal of care.,” American Association of Suicidology Conference, Washington, D.C., April 19, 2018.
Jeffrey Brookings Ph.D., Cathy Pederson Ph.D., Kathleen Gorman-Ezell Ph.D., and Greta H. Mayer, “Suicide risk assessment for persons with chronic, invisible illnesses.,” Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Houston, TX, April 14, 2018.
Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, Ph.D. and Cathy Pederson, Ph.D., “Preventing Suicide and Empowering those with Chronic and Invisible Illnesses,” Ohio Chapter of National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Columbus, November 17, 2016.
Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, Ph.D. “Eating Disorder Professionals and the Relationship Between Countertransference, Eating Attitudes, Body Image, and Self-Esteem,” American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, February 1-2, 2016.
Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, MSW, “Social Work’s Role in Confronting Eating Disorders in Contemporary American Society,” Hawaii International Conference on the Social Sciences, Honolulu, May 30, 2008.